Rachit Gupta

Digital India IPL was formed with a vision of “Filling The Gaps” in untapped/ underdeveloped segments keeping in mind three great vision of our Hon`ble PM : Digital India, Make In India and Skill India.

With an ideology of “Win-Win-Win solutions” (W-Product developer, W- Digital India IPL, W-End consumer), we, team of IIM Alumni and CA , are in industry to bring prosperity and success to all our stakeholders.

Rachit Gupta is an IIM Alumni with 10 years of Industry Experience. Having strong background in business dealings and sound knowledge of agreements and bidding/tendering, appreciated by partner organisations for giving the shape to the relations established between DIGITAL INDIA IPL and partner organisations. His initiative to leave job and start own venture leads to Digital India IPL. His efforts to give due diligence to human resource in early phase of venture is remarkable. Already worked hard for his ideas and always praised for uniqueness of his ideas.