Mr. Ganesh V

‘Head-Marketing Communication, Janaagraha and author of the book ‘The Underage CEOs’.’

A specialist in Marketing Communications, with fourteen years of work experience. Have done a lot of strategic, brand-related work. A keen knowledge of different industries and consumers sets. Strong leadership, analytical and communication skills. Worked on nearly 20 industries, handling a combination of established and emerging brands. Helped companies take strategic Marketing decisions, which led to their growth.

Author of the book ‘The Underage CEOs – Fascinating Stories of Young Indians who Became CEOs in Their Twenties’​. This is a book that celebrates the student entrepreneurs of India. It narrates the wonderful journeys of 11 highly-motivated student entrepreneurs from across India, each of whom has set up his/her own company at the age of 22 or 24, and is running it successfully today.
“I have written the book to inspire thousands of college students and other youngsters across India to take the plunge early on in life. Because, when it comes to becoming an entrepreneur, the earlier, the better!”