K V R Murthy

Dr. K. V. R. Murthy, is a Ph.D in faculty of Management from GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, currently working as Head of the Dept. looking after Freight Marketing and Freight Services of Eastern Railway. He has around 30 years of experience in Transport Logistics with a specialization on Inter-modal transport and Logistics management. He is also a Fellow Member (FCILT) and Regional Head, Kolkata section, CILT –Chartered institute of Logistics and Transportation_ INDIA and made immense contribution to increase membership of CILT in India. He ably lead a team of 31 members on a special Railway coach/by Road to earthquake affected areas at Gujarat in the year 2001 and worked for one week in distribution of relief material and in restoration work. As the Chief Public Relations Officer of S E Rly., been the convener of committee for one year and conducted celebrations of ‘150 year of Indian Railways’.